CIIMS is 110 bedded Superspeciality hospital dealing with all problems related to Neurosciences.
There are two separate ICU units with fully equipped 15 beds and ventilators for Neurology and Neurosurgery each. Apart from these, 10 bedded step down unit is also there. We do have General Surgery, General medicine and Orthopaedic services to cater the needs of trauma cases. O.T. complex has 3 fully equipped operation theatres. Approximately 150 Neurosurgical rocedures are done every month including almost every variety.
List of Important O.T.equipments
- Apart from all routine facilities following equipments are also available
USG machine Intraoperative, Codmen cottery bipolar,Vlleylab cottery,Aesculap Neuro endoscope,Monitor,Light source,Receiver (camera),Karl storz Endoscope (spinal),Microscope lika,MICROSCOPE OPMI – PENTERO, MICROSCOPE OPMI-VARIO, Neuro Sign 100, CUSA (SORING),Midas-rex (LEGEND) High speed system, Stryker drill, Pneumatic Kerrison