Dr. Dinesh Kabra

Dr. Dinesh Kabra
MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Department of Neurology
M.B.B.S — Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital,Mumbai, April 1994
M.D (Gen Med) — Grant Medical College and Sir J.J. Group of Hospitals,Mumbai, July, 1998Mumbai, Mar 04.
DM (Neurology) — Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital,Mumbai, July 2002
- Vascular Neurology: Schulich School of Medicine and University of western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada (July 2004-June2006)
- Acute stroke management, secondary stroke prevention
- Kashyap R.S, Kabra D, Karandikar P,Kainthala R. Deshpande S,Purohit H J, Taori M, Daginawla H.F
Protein electrophoresis in the serum of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients and its correlation with S-100 beta and Neuron specific Enolase- A pilot study, Annals of Neurosciences, 2006,Vol 13; 36-40
- Patel A, Jayaram S, Shaikh W, Basavaraj A, Patel H, Malaviya A, Kabra D, Patil A, Bhende N.
Primary Systemic Amyloidosis, case report J association physicians India 1999 Apr; 52:335-7
- Patel A, Jayaram S, Kabra D, Patil A, Jaria
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis due to protein deficiency. J association physicians India. 2000 May; 48(5):544
- Patel A, Jayaram S, Basavaraj A, Kabra D, Patil A, Bhende N Rhinocerebral J association physicians India. 1999 Jun; 47(6):642
- Multidisciplinary cardiac rehabilitation for secondary prevention after TIA Or mild non disabling stroke: vascular risk factors, psychological and neurocognitiveoutcomesN.Suskin,V.Hachinski,R.Chan, P.L.Prior,K.L.Unsworth,S.Mytka,D.Kabra,C.Mayer&C.O.Callaghan
- Stroke Severity Assesment: How well do the Canadian Neurological Scale (CNS) and the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) correlate?
Nilanont Y, Cote R, Jin Y, Saposnik G, Dilegge S,Beletsky V,Ozcan O,Kabra D, Hachinski V.
Abstract presented at the 57 Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology at Miami, Florida in April 2005
- Indian academy of Neurology
- Neurological society of India
- American academy of Neurology
- Academy of medical sciences, Nagpur
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