Pathology & Biochemistry

The department is to deal with almost all orthopaedic problems. The Operating rooms are equipped with state of the art equipments including Image intensifier, electronic power instruments, arthroscope, nerve stimulator, operating microscope and modern instruments and orthopaedic implants. A laminar airflow operating room and computer navigated surgeries are being planned for future.

A round the clock trauma care service in close collobration with a team of neuro surgeons, general surgeon, plastic and vascular surgeon is available. Example of some of the cases that are routinely performed include:

  • Long bone fracture simple and interlock nailings.
  • se of flexible Titanium nails especially for managing paediatric trauma
  • Fracture Platings.
  • Use of LC DCP locking plates.
  • Minimally Invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis techniques (MIPPO).
  • Conservative managements including modern plaster techniques and materials.
  • Use of Bone marrow aspirate and other bone graft substitutes.
  • Bone grafting and management of Nonunions, Infections.
  • Total Hip replacement (Cemented as well as uncemented)
  • Resurfacing hip replacements.
  • Total Knee replacements.(TKR)
  • Unicompartmental Knee replacement (UKR)
  • Revision Joint replacements.
  • Hemiarthroplasty and Bipolar replacements

All the surgeries when indicated are performed using minimally invasive techniques that allows quicker rehabilation and less soft tissue insult. Apart form the surgical treatment a variety of non surgical treatment is offered for patient suffering from various types of arthritis and related conditions. Hip-OA, osteoporosis.

Department is equipped with modern arthroscope, shaver system and modern equipments that are used in managing following disorders:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear
  • cute injuries like ankle sprains and muscle strains
  • Knee and shoulder rotator cuff injuries
  • Meniscus tear, developmental anomaly or cyst
  • Recurrent shoulder dislocation
  • Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow

Paediatric orthopaedics has gradually evolved into specialty of its own and it would be imprudent to treat a child as a mini adult. In keeping with the recent advances in the field the department offers comprehensive quality care for paediatric problems such as-

  • Club foot (CTEV),
  • Ongenital/ Dysplastic Dislocation Hip (CDH)
  • Perthes’ disease
  • Deformities of hands and fingers: Polydactyly, syndactyly
  • Neck deformities: Torticollis (wry neck)
  • Congenital limb deficiencies- Amelia, Hemimelia
  • Acute /chronic osteomyelitis,
  • Septic Arthritis (Neonatal)
  • Dwarfism and Genetic conditions
  • Bow legs, knock knees
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Post Polio residual paralysis and other neuromuscular conditions.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Use of PRP in Rotator cuff repair.
  • Hip Arthroscopic Evaluation, Core Decompression & PRP enriched Bonegrafting in stage II & III AVN (CIIMS, Nagpur)
  • Factors affecting return to Sports after ACL Reconstruction, Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Past Projects :

  • Suprascapular nerve block in chronic shoulder pain, DYPMCH, Pune, 2006-07.
  • Day care treatment of Hand trauma, DYPMCH, Pune 2008

Current Research :

  • Use of bone marrow aspirate in treatment of difficult unions and non unions
  • Use of Bone morphogenic protein (BMP 2, OP1) for bone regeneration.
  • Relevance of 30 kda Antigen presence in synovial fluid of patients suffering from tuberculous arthritis.
  • Finding the normal knee alignment of Indian population.

Past Research and Publications :

  • Extensive synovial chondromatosis of foot & ankle, Internet Journal of Orthopaedics, 2006
  • Multicentric skeletal tuberculosis, Maharashtra Journal of Orthopaedics, 2007.

Audit :
Did a dissertation “Different modalities of treatment in compound fracture of shaft tibia-A study of 100 cases” – under guidance of Dr. Satish Ugrankar, spanning over 25 months at GMC & Sir J.J.Hospital, Mumbai as partial fulfillment for Mastership in Surgery (Orth) degree – University of Mumbai, INDIA.

Presentations :

  • Ankle Instability, Vidarbha Orthopaedic Society April 2009.
  • Osteochondral Defect- Current treatment Options, DYPMCH, Pune 2008.
  • Arthroscopic ASD & miniopen Rotator cuff Repair, Coimbatore Orthopaedic Association 2006.
  • Congenital Dislocation of Hip-- Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) Clinical Meet 2004
  • Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphyses - BOS Clinical Meet 03.

Dr. Suvarn Gupta

M.B.B.S., MS (Ortho.)