Department of Critical Care & Anesthesia
The department is equipped to deal with almost all Emergency and Critical care problems.

The Intensive Care Unit is one of the largest and busiest in Nagpur City presently having more than 40 beds. The set up is state of art having Intensive Trauma care Unit, Surgical ICU and Medical ICU which has experienced staff and has facility of emergency consultations from all faculties.The ICU is equiped with latest multipara invasive and non-invasive monitors, ventilators, dialysis, sonography / 2D-Echo machines and round the clock intensive care coverage by Senior Critical Care consultants.
Facilities available:-
Trauma ICU:-
A round the clock trauma care service in close collaboration with a team of neuro surgeons, Orthopaedic surgeon, General surgeon, Plastic, Vascular surgeon and Anesthesiologist is available. Composite inhouse CT with critical care FAST facility available. Maxilofacial injury, abdominal and thoracic poly trauma, Spine Trauma and head injury.
Medical ICU:-
- Cardiac and coronary care
- Neurology emergency and critical care
- Pulmonary and chest care
- Infectious Diseases Critical Care
Surgical ICU:-
Including Servo i 900, dragger, GE ERGSTROM, Transport Ventilator, BIPAP machines etc with almost a ratio of one for every two beds i.e. nearly 20 high-end ventilators.
Multipara Philips monitors, MP 20, MP 40, VM 6 and 4 well equipped with all basic parameters including EtCO2 and invasive Pressure monitoring on every bed. Picco monitoring bed side EEG and bed side 2D-Echo freely available in the department.
Philips heart start XL (biphasic) are avialble in every unit always ready for emergencies.
Central Oxygen:-
Suction with Compressed air along with inverter backup for whole ICU.
2D-Echo Machin:-
Dedicated critical care USG machine with 2D-Echo facility for non-obstetric use in ICU. It is used for USG guided lines, fluid therapy and Cardiac function screening. FAST can be performed on this machine for Trauma patient.
Dialysis Machine:-
Fresenius KABI dialysis machine avilable for all criticaly ill ARF patients along with in house technician and staff nurse.
ICU equipped with trained staff, all emergency drugs and equipments.