Public Relation

1) At OPD during peak hours guidance to patients.

2) Visit indoor patients daily and make enquiries about their recovery and comfort and offer necessary help

3) Help security guards to maintain harmony and cordiality with patients/relatives

4) To collect and analyse feed back form soliciting their views about  the services in hospital and to know their satisfaction. 

5) This report is forwarded to the Director, Administrative Officer, Medical Supdt, Secretary CIIMS, Chairman, Public Relation Committee for action wherever necessary.  Feed back helps to improve our services.

6) To give report on bed occupancy admissions,discharges and to maintain relevant monthly/yearly statistics.

7) Arrange for Publication  in press of rare  surgeries as  performed in the hospital by Consultants and the special events at the Institute. As well as understand psychology and public perception, all of which helps in image building of the Institute.

8) On the day of discharge  patient  is given hospital booklet pertaining to the  information  of  CIIMS.  This is of help because it is in a simple Hindi language which is passed on from patient to patient.

Mr. Vijay Chaurasia

(Public Relation Officer)